在 Unix-like 的系統 (e.g. macOS, Linux), 我們很常用 rm 來刪除文檔。萬一誤刪檔案的話,要復原會有些麻煩。

所以很多時候,不如先放在垃圾桶 ( Bin / Trash / Recycle Bin) 裡,方便有需要時可以尋回。

這次分享 macOS 一套軟件 trash,可以在 Terminal 裡,將檔案方便地扔在 Bin (~/.Trash)裡。

可以用 Homebrew 安裝

homebrew install trash


trash 取代 rm 刪除檔案時,可以在 Bin 裡找到。

trash -F 則是用 Finder 方式刪除。以這種方法刪除,好處在 Bin 裡可以選擇 Put Back 放回原本的路徑。


usage: trash [-vlesyF] <file> [<file> ...]

  Move files/folders to the trash.

  Options to use with <file>:

  -v  Be verbose (show files as they are trashed, or if
      used with the -l option, show additional information
      about the trash contents)
  -F  Ask Finder to move the files to the trash, instead of
      using the system API.

  Stand-alone options (to use without <file>):

  -l  List items currently in the trash (add the -v option
      to see additional information)
  -e  Empty the trash (asks for confirmation)
  -s  Securely empty the trash (asks for confirmation)
  -y  Skips the confirmation prompt for -e and -s.
      CAUTION: Deletes permanently instantly.

  Options supported by `rm` are silently accepted.

Version 0.9.2
Copyright (c) 2010–2018 Ali Rantakari, http://hasseg.org/trash

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